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Smudging Kit

Smudging the home has many benefits…..

•Removes bacteria from the air

•Repels insects

•Improves intuition

•Purifies specific objects

•Improves mood and reduces stress and anxiety

•Smudging may also be used as a ritual tool to



White sage smudging stick

Palo Santo

Australian Abalone Shell


Choice of Gem Stone ( clear quartz, lapis lazuli , tigers eye, green avernturine, red jasper, amethyst and rose quartz.


Clear Quartz - Known as the master healer. Harmonisers all chakras and brings them into balance and alignment. Highly beneficial if you have been dealing with emotional exhaustion. Can deliver balance and motivation.


Tigers Eye – Associated with the Root Chakra, the sacral chakra and the Solar Plexus. When these are out of balance they can create anxiety, insecurity, aggression, low self esteem and a lack of confidence. Tigers eye can unblock these chakras and restore balance.


Green Aventurine – The Premier stone to attract luck, abundance and success! It has a soothing energy behind it and its recommended for working through any unresolved issues. It is great when working with the heart chakra. Use to remove negativity and energy blockages.


Red Jasper – Known as the stone of Vibrancy and Endurance, a promoter of justice and protection and life!

Red Jasper activates the Base Chakra and stimulates the rise of kundalini energy throughout the chakras, strengthening and cleansing the aura.


Rose Quartz – Rose Quartz vibrates in alignment with the heart chakra. It encourages feelings of warmth, happiness, compassion, understanding, respect and emotional health. It encourages you to love yourself!


Amethyst – Amethyst will bring tranquillity to your mind and your crown Chakra. It will remove any blockages preventing you from feeling and experiencing bliss. When you open your crown chakra you connect with your highest, best self.


Lapis Lazuli - Lapis Lazuli stones are said to stimulate wisdom, good judgment, truth and understanding. It also aids in the process of learning by enhancing memory based qualities.

It is believed to attract promotion and success. It is also considered to be a stone of friendship and brings harmony to relationships.

Medically, Lapis Lazuli is said to be highly beneficial to the throat, larynx and vocal chords.

Smudging Kit



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